Rundown In this episode, Mexie talks with Pierce Delahunt, a Social Emotional Learning educator and activist. We discuss the potential of SEL and Non-Violent Communication for socialist and vegan activism and outreach. Pierce shares great insight into how to connect with other peoples’ needs in ways that can build solidarity […]
Rundown In this bonus episode, Mexie joins Brett on Rev Left Radio to discuss our outdoor experiences, and experiences with meditation and psychedelics, and how these things intersect and influence our political consciousness. It’s hard to pin down one main topic because our conversation was so rich and complex, but […]
Rundown Flipping it on ya today! In more than one way. First off, Mexie is solo on this podcast as Marine is focusing on an exciting new IRL endeavour (go Marine!). And secondly, we’re flipping our very first episode, Why Leftists Should Be Vegan, to detail some of the near endless […]
Rundown In this episode we analyze the links between the antinatalist, vegan, and anticapitalist movements. We start by discussing what antinatalism is and distinguish it from merely a personal preference not to have children. We then take a look at how it’s been expressed in the vegan movement, with what […]
Rundown In this episode we discuss why leftists should be vegan! We start by defining veganism as a political stance and not a grocery list, so that it’s clear that vegan praxis will look differently for everyone based on their background and privilege. We then consider the theoretical reasons why […]