Rundown This episode shares a stream that Mexie, Nic (of Pynk Spots) and Kathrin (of the Kathrin YouTube channel) did on A Little to the Left all about birth control. It’s basically everything we wish we knew before we each opted to take the pill at a very young age. […]
Rundown Marine is back, baby! She and Mexie have a wonderful discussion about her journey into facilitation work with high school students. We discuss how facilitation differs as an educational tool from conventional lecturing or teaching, how she began her own anti-oppression facilitation program, and everything she’s learned along the […]
Rundown In this episode, Mexie talks with author and professor, Tyler Shipley, about Canada’s dismaying place in the world. Tyler is the author of Canada in the World: Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination, where he details how Canada’s genocidal relationship with Indigenous peoples has carried into imperialist aggression. Spoiler […]
Rundown In this episode, Mexie talks with plural justice activists Meneka Repka and Ehsan Otoufi about the challenges of political organizing within mainstream, ‘apolitical’ vegan spaces. We talk about why anti-speciesist activism needs to be anti-capitalist and pro-intersectional, take a look at some of the mainstream organizations that purport to […]
Rundown In this episode, Mexie talks with Green, a comrade from the Indigenous Anarchist Federation, Ash from the Horror Vanguard podcast, and her partner, Jacob, about all things FF7 and how relevant the game’s narrative is for our current historical moment. We discuss the way the game handles themes of […]
Rundown In this spooktacular crossover episode, Mexie and Marine are joined by Ash and Jon from the Horror Vanguard podcast to review Jordan Peele’s second think-piece, “Us”. We discuss a number of pertinent themes including class consciousness and revolution, the anxieties of the middle-class, the intersections race and class, duality, […]