Rundown In this episode Mexie talks with Robbie Martin, documentary filmmaker and co-host of Media Roots Radio, about the recent co-ordinated banning of Alex Jones and Infowars off of most of the prominent social media outlets. Robbie places the bannings within the broader context of Silicon Valley execs partnering with […]
Monthly archives: August 2018
3 posts
Rundown In this episode, Mexie is joined by Leslie (Mad Blender on YouTube) to discuss the political economy of mental health and addiction. We draw from Mark Fisher’s Capitalist Realism to put the present-day rise in mental illness into social, political and economic context. We demonstrate that although chemical imbalances play […]
Rundown Flipping it on ya today! In more than one way. First off, Mexie is solo on this podcast as Marine is focusing on an exciting new IRL endeavour (go Marine!). And secondly, we’re flipping our very first episode, Why Leftists Should Be Vegan, to detail some of the near endless […]