Rundown Mexie speaks with conservation writer, Jared Kukura, about the history and political economy of trophy hunting, the wildlife trade, and the concept of sustainable use. We discuss the colonial-capitalist history of ‘fortress’ and neoliberal conservation around the world, and how trophy hunting furthers neo-colonialism. We talk about the philanthrocapitalists […]
3 posts
Rundown In this episode, Mexie talks with John Perkins, former Chief Economist for MAIN, about his time as an economic hitman, furthering U.S. empire through economic imperialism. We talk about the links between the World Bank, IMF, private firms like Haliburton and Bechtel, and intelligence agencies like the CIA and […]
Rundown You asked for it, and we delivered! A laminated blueprint on exactly how to end capitalism, and what to build in its place! Joking aside, in this episode we explain capitalism, socialism, communism, and anarchism as distinct modes of production. We tackle some of the common arguments for capitalism […]